Many thanks to those of you who managed to make the plenary meeting on Tuesday, and contributed to a good discussion afterwards. Many of you have already followed up with me with some excellent suggestions and comments.
For those who didn’t manage to make it let me just emphasise the couple of key points I mentioned at the meeting; that what I presented is a first draft of both strategy and structure, and I’d like this therefore to be the start of a discussion. You’ll see in the deck that I’ve proposed both a timetable, and also a few questions to think about (not a comprehensive list of course).
The key message though is that this is our opportunity to take our fate into our own hands, and develop a plan for what will distinguish us externally, and how we want to work internally. I hope you’re as motivated by that prospect as I am.
A reminder that we’re creating as many ‘channels’ as possible to share your ideas as well as mail. There’s now a linked in group for our school for anyone to join here, and of course there’s my blog here if you wish to comment.
However if you weren’t already aware, I’ll be usually available in my office 8-10am for anyone to drop in.